Peek-a-boo with the Apocalypse, 2017

Peek-a-boo with the Apocalypse, is a performance which straddles Eleanor's emotional relationship to the end of the world and her D.I.Y., technical fascination with the theatrical reveal. She is looking for how the enormity of the cosmos might reveal itself in the everyday and how small things can evoke a sense of awe or wonder.

She worked on this project with dance artist Es Morgan

Unfunded research, including 1 week in residency at Chisenhale Dance Space, summer 2017.

The Yard Theatre, 2017
Chisenhale Dance Space, 2018

Choreography by Eleanor Sikorski in collaboration with Es Morgan.
Music by Eleanor Sikorski
Object design by Eleanor Sikorski
Object construction Eleanor Sikorski and Jim Sikorski
Running time 30min.

Peek-a-boo with the Apocalypse. Photo: Eleanor Sikorski

Peek-a-boo with the Apocalypse, Es Morgan and Eleanor Sikorski, Photo: Manu Valcarce

Peek-a-boo with the Apocalypse, Es Morgan and Eleanor Sikorski, Photo: Manu Valcarce

Peek-a-boo with the Apocalypse, Es Morgan and Eleanor Sikorski, Photo: Manu Valcarce

Peek-a-boo with the Apocalypse, Es Morgan and Eleanor Sikorski, Photo: Manu Valcarce