Dancing Museums artists podcast: Radio Echo Box

The six Dancing Museum artists were supposed to meet in Vitry-sur-Seine in early April for a week’s residency within the frame of the Biennale de Danse du Val-de-Marne. Since the current situation made the meet-up impossible, La Briqueterie and the Dancing Museum team decided to create an online radio show.

For the past year, they have shared and worked together, but from a far… From Prague, Rotterdam, Nottingham, Paris, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Brussels, Pesaro and Bassano del Grappa, their geographic roots and everyday rhythms have been shaken. Like many of us, they keep in touch with their colleagues by communicating through instant messaging, in order to send each other support or ideas.

For this special moment, we had an idea to record the group’s voicemails to each other, a space where dialogue resonates and individual thoughts vibrate and reflect upon meeting. The six artists shared their feelings, their current questionings, their laughter, their pieces of music, their memories and their dance practices. 

Open for several days and several nights, this voicemail transformed into a radio creation, becoming a meeting point where these six voices conducted an experiment: could the radio allow us to be together, to have a dialogue, to dance from a distance?

Bon voyage and happy listening!

With: Quim Bigas Bassart, Ingrid Berger Myhre, Masako Matsushita, Eleanor Sikorski, Tereza Ondrová and Ana Pi
Realization and sound creation: Marie Pons and Pierre-Antoine Naline
Production : La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne